Our outsourced managed review service allows departments to efficiently meet their disclosure obligations. We provide subject matter experts to lead our document review projects. The solicitors and paralegals that review the documents are stringently vetted to BPSS or SC standards. Our platforms guide the process using custom workflows, developed through our years of best practice.
The support you need
Be secure
Our secure virtual review platform provides reviewers with access from any location nationwide. Multiple security layers ensure that access is limited to authorised personnel, all managed in compliance with CESG and NCSC guidance. It allows us to scale review teams dynamically and ensures the most highly-skilled reviewers for every post.
Tech led approach
Workload and distribution are monitored on internal real-time dashboards. These ensure that the utilisation of each member of our teams is at a manageable, consistent, high level. They forecast workload, allowing us to scale our teams and meet client deadlines.